Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who is truly a Jew, in which Jesus speaks?

To many a true Jew is one born of a jewish mother. Jesus was a Jew, but He said something very profound to those who have ears to hear. One must be born again. While many reject Jesus, as the One and True Messiah. Jesus taught that true worship, is to worship G-d in Spirit and Truth. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Torah in which so many continue to seek in Judaism. Orthodox says that Messianic Jews cannot be true Jews, but are an apostate to the truth. While antisemitism has played a deceptive role to what truth is. Lets again search the scriptures that point to the anointed One of G-d. Jesus did not destroy the law, but instead fulfilled every requirement of the law, because mankind could not redeem its self, without a sacrificial Lamb in which G-d prepared.G-d sent Jesus, known in the english, but His name in Hebrew has much more significance. Jesus said I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one can come to the Father(Yaw) except through Me. Jesus said My sheep hear My voice. A door has been open in which Jesus is the Door, that leads to G-d. We must continue to search the scripture, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal to us, who the Jews truly are. Also note, that all of Israel will be saved; the true people of G-d who are born of His Spirit.

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