Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I hate my family in laws

I hate my family in laws , all of them , me and my hubby got together when we were 16 and we were pretty wild back then but its been 8 years and they are still treating us the way they did when we were 16, they constantly talk **** behind our backs but are nice to our face and they are always doing family functions and not inviting us and then rubbing in our face what a great time they had. They are down right evil. His sister on the other hand is the worst , she has been jealous of me since the day I met her and always talks **** about me to everyone, I just met her new boyfriend the other day and I could tell just by the way he was treating me that she had already convinced him I was a bad person I borrowed a pair of pants once and didnt return them so now she tells everyone Im a thief , I can tell she is jealous of our new baby and me being a mother, she wants to be a mother so bad that she has to make everyone else feel like they are bad parents. When we go over they always give me the cold shoulder !!!!! I just had a baby and he is 5 months old but they favor their other granddaughter over him, they took her to the circus and to sea world and didnt even invite us to go, we would have probably said no but its not the point. Im sick of how they act like they are better than everyone, they are stuck up, selfish and VERY materialistic. While I was pregnant they did nothing, I asked if they wanted to help plan the baby shower and they said yes but then never did anything but had the nerve to show up and treat my family like trash and when I had my baby none of them came to the hospital because they had a friends wedding to go too, his mother in law stopped in just to see the birth and then left right after and didnt even tell anyone about our baby being born then I got yelled at from his whole family for not notifying them even though his mother in law said she did. Its ridiculous, they are constantly telling me how to raise my child and his sister doesnt even have kids...................... I can tell they are judging me as a parent and no matter what I do Im not ever going to be good enough, how do I deal with this ???????

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