Monday, August 15, 2011

How could something infinitely complex also have finite meanings?

'infinetly complex' things aren't really infinitely complex. To us, they might as well be. no one really has the brain power to understand everything... or even close to it. So things that you take as infinitely complex really aren't infinitely complex, they're just beyond your understanding. and just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it doesn't have a meaning. a few hundred years ago no one could have understood things like atoms and electrons and whatever is smaller than electrons (forgot the name of it). Or that there is something that gives matter its materiality and that it is actually possible for things to exist without being one bit material or that our entire world could cease to be material if it were swallowed into a black hole, or that time does not exist outside of our material universe. very few people to this day actually understand these things, and the more they know the more questions arise. so even though nothing really has infinite complexity and everything can be described with a meaning, so much might as well be infitely complex because you would never understand so much if you lived a billion years.

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