Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Have an upper respiratory infection question?

I went to the doctor last Tuesday feeling horrible. Doc listened to my chest and said that I had an upper respiratory infection. I was given cough medicine and antibiotics. I am allergic to sudafed (deconomine). Of course it would take time and he gave me a doctor's note for work. On Friday I was back at the doctor and was having a hard time breathing and was given a breathing treatment which seemed to help. Then another work excuse until this Monday. It has been a solid week now and I am still really sick. I still have a cough but my chest congestion isn't as bad. The problem is that I am still in bed. I have started throwing up, diarrhea, and feel horrible. I have had low grade fevers but Tylenol knocks them out. It has been a week now and my work is getting angry. I'm not sure that they can fire me if I have a docotr's note. But I can't see me going to work still. Though the congestion is better, I can't walk the 10 feet to the bathroom without coughing. Among the new symptoms of vomiting (a lot) and diarrhea, I have headaches, neck and back pain. I have been crying. They have changed my antibiotics but I don't know what's wrong. I don't know what to do and my husband is calling the doctor back tomorrow and see if he can see me yet again and get a new note for work. I am just miserable....any ideas? Anyone experienced this before? I have a history of bronchitis and 5 years ago pneumonia. I just feel like I have the flu or something. How do I get work to not be angry? How do I get the doctor to fully understand? What is wrong with me?

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