Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do I Have A Chance With Her?

I'm 21, years old, and just started working at an elementary school as a lunch/recess supervisor (pretty much a babysitting job). It's a 2 hour a day, 5 days a week job, and pays about 9.25, which isn't bad. Anyways, there is this teacher there who is pretty hot, but I'm not sure if i should even attempt. For one, i still live with my parents, and while i have another job, i still don't make enough to even own a car. I also, will just be starting college as a freshmen this summer, so i have a while to go before i graduate, which means i won't be pulling in any big income for a while, and probably won't move out of my parents place until I'm done with school. I'm also a little intimidated by the fact that she looks older than me. I'm 21 but look about 17/18ish. I think the teacher is about 23/24, plus she has a professional job, and probably makes enough money to support herself :( Am i out of my league?

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